About us

Welcome to ocha

At OCHA, we are more than just a bubble tea and mochi donut brand; we are an embodiment of passion, flavor, culture, and innovation. Founded in 2022, our journey began with a simple dream: to create the perfect bubble tea experience and craft the most delectable mochi donuts. Today, we invite you to step into our world and discover the heart and soul behind OCHA.

Our Story

Our story starts with a love for bubble tea and a desire to bring something extraordinary to the world. With each sip, we realized that bubble tea was not just a drink; it was a celebration of culture, a fusion of flavors, and a way to create connections. In 2022, OCHA was born as a testament to our unwavering commitment to share the joy and richness of this cherished beverage and the delightful addition of mochi donuts.

Our Mission

Our mission at OCHA is clear: to elevate the bubble tea experience. We are on a constant quest to source the finest ingredients, carefully selecting the best tea leaves, premium milk, and ethically-sourced tapioca pearls. We take pride in crafting unique flavors that celebrate cultural diversity while keeping tradition close to our hearts.

OCHA Experience

When you step into an OCHA store, you step into a world of flavor, innovation, and cultural celebration. Our vibrant spaces are designed to be more than just a place to enjoy delicious bubble tea and mochi donuts; they are a hub for friends to gather, stories to be shared, and memories to be created.


We understand the importance of preserving our planet for future generations. That’s why OCHA is committed to sustainability. From responsible ingredient sourcing to minimizing our environmental footprint, we take every step to ensure that your OCHA experience is not only delicious but also eco-friendly.


At OCHA, we invite you to join us on a journey of flavor exploration and cultural celebration. Whether you’re a seasoned bubble tea enthusiast or just beginning to discover the magic of mochi donuts, we welcome you into our family.

Thank you for being a part of our story, and here’s to many more sips of happiness with OCHA!